Apartamento para comprar
Porto (distrito)
Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde
Rua Venezuela
T4 Duplex em Empreendimento de Luxo em Zona Nobre do Porto
T4 Duplex em Empreendimento de Luxo em Zona Nobre do Porto

T4 Duplex em Empreendimento de Luxo em Zona Nobre do Porto

1 650 000 €
Rua Venezuela , Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto
6 226 €/m²
Local Plan


Área útil (m²):
265 m²
Casas de Banho:
4 ou mais
Certificado Energético:
Em construção


T4 Duplex com Jardim.

Receba com satisfação a oportunidade de desfrutar de uma vida requintada e confortável no coração do Porto, através deste magnífico apartamento inserido num empreendimento de luxo.

Localizado na zona nobre da cidade, este é o lugar ideal para preencher a sua vida com afeto e segurança, criando memórias inesquecíveis com os entes mais queridos.

A localização deste edifício é verdadeiramente singular, a escassos dois minutos do Parque da Cidade do Porto. Esta área é um verdadeiro polo de cultura e desporto, onde se cruzam diversas paixões, todas elas com a cidade como cenário de fundo.

Este empreendimento foi cuidadosamente planeado e projetado, com foco nas famílias, para oferecer um estilo de vida que combina a agitação da cidade com a tranquilidade do lar.

Aqui, poderá viver plenamente no coração do Porto, desfrutando de uma residência exclusiva que permite uma convivência única e harmoniosa com a cidade que o envolve.

As habitações foram concebidas para inspirar uma vida plena e repleta de significado, tal como sempre sonhou. Este é o local onde os seus sonhos e aspirações ganham vida, criando um ambiente acolhedor que o faz sentir-se verdadeiramente em casa.

Este empreendimento também oferece um conjunto de áreas comuns que elevam a sua qualidade de vida. Terá acesso a um ginásio privado, onde poderá manter-se em forma e saudável. Para além disso, um amplo e moderno hall de entrada estará pronto para o receber calorosamente sempre que regressar a casa, criando um ambiente acolhedor e convidativo.

Viva no Porto tal como sempre desejou, rodeado por conforto, luxo e uma localização privilegiada.

Não perca a oportunidade de tornar este empreendimento na sua casa. Marque uma visita e descubra um novo capítulo na sua história de vida.











Revestimento de fachadas e varandas em painel compósito de alumínio
Caixilharia de alumínio, série minimalista, dotada de vidro duplo
Pavimento das varandas em deck de madeira
Teto das varandas em madeira e painel compósito de alumínio
Varandas com floreiras


Pavimento em vinílico
Paredes em gesso cartonado, acabamento pintado ou revestidas com espelho e painéis folheados de madeira de carvalho
Teto falso em gesso cartonado, com isolamento acústico e acabamento pintado
Iluminação embutida com tecnologia LED


Ponto de carregamento de veículos elétricos
Iluminação com tecnologia LED


Pavimento em soalho estratificado de madeira de carvalho
Rodapés em MDF hidrófugo, com acabamento lacado
Paredes em dupla placa de gesso cartonado, com isolamento acústico e acabamento pintado
Teto falso em gesso cartonado, com isolamento
Sancas para cortinas, com iluminação indireta em fita LED
Portas em madeira a toda a altura, acabamento lacado, com dobradiças ocultas
Armários em MDF, com acabamento exterior lacado e interior em melamina linho mate
Blackouts elétricos nos quartos
Iluminação embutida com tecnologia LED



Armários em MDF hidrófugo, com acabamento lacado ou folheado
Eletrodomésticos da marca Siemens ou equivalente:

Placa de Indução
Exaustor Telescópico
Combinado Encastrável
Máquina de Lavar Loiça Encastrável

Pavimento em soalho estratificado de madeira de carvalho
Iluminação embutida com tecnologia LED


Pavimento em soalho estratificado de madeira de carvalho
Paredes em dupla placa de gesso cartonado, com isolamento acústico e acabamento pintado
Loiças sanitárias suspensas
Misturadoras do tipo Bruma ou equivalente

Armários em MDF hidrófugo, com acabamento lacado ou folheado

Iluminação embutida com tecnologia LED


Pavimento em mármore branco Ibiza ou similar
Paredes em mármore branco Ibiza ou similar
Loiças sanitárias suspensas do tipo Geberit ou equivalente
Misturadoras de encastrar, do tipo Bruma ou equivalente
Armários em MDF hidrófugo, com acabamento lacado ou folheado, tampo em mármore branco Ibiza ou similar
Iluminação embutida com tecnologia LED


Instalação de Ar Condicionado, por condutas
Bomba de calor para AQS


Painel táctil para controlo centralizado de iluminação, estores e climatização

Não perca a oportunidade de fazer parte deste empreendimento exclusivo.

Agende uma visita e comece a visualizar o seu novo lar.

T4 Duplex with Garden

Welcome the opportunity to enjoy refined and comfortable living in the heart of Porto through this magnificent apartment in a luxury development.

Located in the prime area of the city, this is the ideal place to fill your life with affection and security, creating unforgettable memories with your loved ones.

The building's location is truly unique, just two minutes from Porto City Park. This area is a true hub of culture and sports, where various passions converge, all with the city as a backdrop.

This development has been carefully planned and designed, focusing on families, to offer a lifestyle that combines the city's hustle with the tranquility of home.

Here, you can fully live in the heart of Porto, enjoying an exclusive residence that allows a unique and harmonious coexistence with the surrounding city.

The residences are designed to inspire a full and meaningful life, just as you've always dreamed. This is where your dreams and aspirations come to life, creating a warm environment that truly makes you feel at home.

The development also offers a set of exclusive common areas that enhance your quality of life. You'll have access to a private gym, where you can stay fit and healthy. In addition, a spacious and modern entrance hall will be ready to warmly welcome you every time you return home, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Live in Porto as you've always wished, surrounded by comfort, luxury, and a privileged location.

Don't miss the opportunity to make this development your home. Schedule a visit and discover a new chapter in your life.



Areas up to 282m2
Parking and storage/box in all unit types

Areas up to 365m2
Balconies or terraces in all residences

Private garden
Lounge gathering room

Facade and balcony cladding in aluminum composite panel
Minimalist aluminum frames with double glazing
Balcony flooring in wooden deck
Balcony ceiling in wood and aluminum composite panel
Balconies with flower beds

Vinyl flooring
Walls in plasterboard, painted or covered with mirrors and oak veneer panels
False ceiling in plasterboard, with acoustic insulation and painted finish
Recessed LED lighting

Electric vehicle charging point
LED lighting

Laminate oak wood flooring
Hydrophobic MDF baseboards, lacquered finish
Double plasterboard walls, with acoustic insulation and painted finish
False ceiling in plasterboard, with insulation
Crown molding for curtains, with indirect LED lighting
Full-height lacquered wooden doors, with hidden hinges
MDF cabinets, with lacquered exterior and melamine linen mate interior
Electric blackout blinds in bedrooms
Recessed LED lighting

Hydrophobic MDF cabinets, lacquered or veneered finish
Siemens or equivalent brand appliances:
Induction hob
Telescopic hood
Built-in refrigerator
Built-in dishwasher
Laminate oak wood flooring
Recessed LED lighting

Laminate oak wood flooring
Double plasterboard walls, with acoustic insulation and painted finish
Suspended sanitary ware
Bruma or equivalent mixers
Hydrophobic MDF cabinets, lacquered or veneered finish
Recessed LED lighting

White Ibiza marble or similar flooring
White Ibiza marble or similar walls
Suspended sanitary ware (Geberit or equivalent)
Built-in mixers (Bruma or equivalent)
Hydrophobic MDF cabinets, lacquered or veneered finish, White Ibiza marble or similar countertop
Recessed LED lighting

Ducted air conditioning
Hot water heat pump

Touch panel for centralized control of lighting, blinds, and climate
Don't miss the chance to be part of this exclusive development.

Schedule a visit and start envisioning your new home.

Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, dispomos de um vasto conhecimento do mercado imobiliário da região, com especial foco em Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim.
Em todos os negócios deixamos uma ligação de amizade e satisfação, mas também um sentimento de confiança e transparência, além do sentimento familiar e pessoal que não se explica, sente-se.

Somos naturais de Vila do Conde e Póvoa de Varzim, por isso, sabemos bem qual o tipo de vizinhança que melhor se enquadra na sua família e no tipo de investimento que pretende realizar.

Como intermediários oficiais de crédito, estamos a par das condições e requisitos necessários à obtenção do melhor crédito habitação possível.
Encarregamo-nos de todo o processo burocrático à realização da compra/venda, tudo, para que se preocupe apenas com uma coisa:

Quando quer começar as mudanças?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

With over 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all businesses, we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained. Sit down.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well which type of neighborhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best mortgage loan possible.

We take care of the entire bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you can only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Con más de 20 años de experiencia, tenemos un vasto conocimiento del mercado inmobiliario de la región, con especial foco en Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim.

En todos los negocios dejamos un vínculo de amistad y satisfacción, pero también un sentimiento de confianza y transparencia, además del sentimiento familiar y personal que no se explica. Siéntate.

Somos de Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim, por lo que sabemos muy bien qué tipo de barrio se adapta mejor a tu familia y el tipo de inversión que quieres realizar.

Como intermediarios oficiales de crédito, conocemos las condiciones y requisitos necesarios para obtener el mejor préstamo hipotecario posible.

Nos encargamos de todo el proceso burocrático para realizar la compra / venta, de todo, para que tú solo puedas preocuparte de una cosa:

¿Cuándo quieres comenzar con los cambios?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience, nous avons une vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de la région, avec un accent particulier sur Vila do Conde et Póvoa de Varzim.

Dans toutes les entreprises, nous laissons un lien d'amitié et de satisfaction, mais aussi un sentiment de confiance et de transparence, en plus du sentiment familial et personnel qui ne s'explique pas. S'asseoir.

Nous sommes de Vila do Conde et de Póvoa de Varzim, nous savons donc très bien quel type de quartier correspond le mieux à votre famille et le type d'investissement que vous souhaitez faire.

En tant qu'intermédiaires officiels de crédit, nous connaissons les conditions et exigences nécessaires pour obtenir le meilleur prêt hypothécaire possible.

Nous nous occupons de tout le processus bureaucratique pour effectuer l'achat/la vente, tout, afin que vous ne puissiez vous soucier que d'une chose :

Quand voulez-vous commencer les changements ?


Beatriz Imobiliária - AMI 5921

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung verfügen wir über umfassende Kenntnisse des Immobilienmarktes in der Region, mit besonderem Fokus auf Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim.

In allen Betrieben hinterlassen wir neben dem nicht zu erklärenden familiären und persönlichen Gefühl ein Band der Freundschaft und Zufriedenheit, aber auch ein Gefühl von Vertrauen und Transparenz. Hinsetzen.

Wir kommen aus Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim, daher wissen wir sehr gut, welche Art von Nachbarschaft am besten zu Ihrer Familie passt und welche Art von Investition Sie tätigen möchten.

Als offizieller Kreditvermittler kennen wir die Voraussetzungen und Voraussetzungen, um den bestmöglichen Hypothekarkredit zu erhalten.

Wir übernehmen den gesamten bürokratischen Prozess bis hin zur Abwicklung des Kaufs/Verkaufs, alles, damit Sie sich nur um eines kümmern können:

Wann möchten Sie mit den Änderungen beginnen?
Categoria Energética: A

T4 Duplex with Garden

Welcome with satisfaction the opportunity to enjoy an exquisite and comfortable life in the heart of Porto, through this magnificent flat inserted in a luxury development.

Located in the prime area of the city, this is the ideal place to fill your life with affection and security, creating unforgettable memories with loved ones.

The location of this building is truly unique, just two minutes from Porto's City Park. This area is a true hub of culture and sport, where various passions intersect, all of them with the city as a backdrop.

This development has been carefully planned and designed, with a focus on families, to offer a lifestyle that combines the hustle and bustle of the city with the tranquillity of home.

Here, you will be able to live fully in the heart of Porto, enjoying an exclusive residence that allows a unique and harmonious coexistence with the city that surrounds you.

The homes are designed to inspire a full and meaningful life, just as you have always dreamed. This is where your dreams and aspirations come to life, creating a welcoming environment that makes you feel truly at home.

This development also offers a set of common areas that elevate your quality of life. You will have access to a private gym where you can stay fit and healthy. In addition, a large and modern entrance hall will be ready to welcome you warmly whenever you return home, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Live in Porto as you have always wanted, surrounded by comfort, luxury and a privileged location.

Don't miss the opportunity to make this development your home. Book a visit and discover a new chapter in your life story.















Aluminum composite panel cladding of facades and balconies

Aluminum frames, minimalist series, equipped with double glazing

Wooden decking porch flooring

Wooden balcony ceiling and aluminium composite panel

Balconies with planters


Vinyl flooring

Walls in plasterboard, painted or mirror-coated finish and oak veneer panels

False ceiling in plasterboard, with sound insulation and painted finish

Recessed lighting with LED technology

Electric Vehicle Charging Point

Lighting with LED technology


Flooring in laminated oak wood flooring

Water-repellent MDF skirting boards, with lacquered finish

Walls in double plasterboard, with acoustic insulation and painted finish

False ceiling in plasterboard, with insulation

Crown moulding for curtains, with indirect LED strip lighting

Full-height wooden doors, lacquered finish, with concealed hinges

MDF cabinets, with lacquered exterior finish and matt linen melamine interior

Electric blackouts in rooms

Recessed lighting with LED technology



Water-repellent MDF cabinets, with lacquered or veneered finish

Siemens brand appliances or equivalent:

Induction Hob
Telescopic Exhaust Fan
Built-in combi
Built-in Dishwasher

Flooring in laminated oak wood flooring

Recessed lighting with LED technology


Flooring in laminated oak wood flooring

Walls in double plasterboard, with acoustic insulation and painted finish

Suspended sanitary ware

Mist mixers or equivalent

Water-repellent MDF cabinets, with lacquered or veneered finish

Recessed lighting with LED technology


Ibiza white marble flooring or similar

Walls in Ibiza white marble or similar

Wall-hung sanitary ware of the Geberit type or equivalent

Built-in mixers, of the misting type or equivalent

Water-repellent MDF cabinets, with lacquered or veneered finish, Ibiza white marble top or similar

Recessed lighting with LED technology


Installation of Air Conditioning, by ducts

DHW Heat Pump


Touch panel for centralised control of lighting, blinds and climate control

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this exclusive venture.

Schedule a visit and start visualising your new home.

Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

With more than 20 years of experience, we have extensive knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.
In every business we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained, it is felt.

We were born in Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know well which type of neighbourhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best possible mortgage.
We take care of the entire bureaucratic process of carrying out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

With over 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all businesses, we leave a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, in addition to the family and personal feeling that cannot be explained. Sit down.

We are from Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well which type of neighbourhood best fits your family and the type of investment you want to make.

As official credit intermediaries, we are aware of the conditions and requirements necessary to obtain the best mortgage loan possible.

We take care of the entire bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase/sale, everything, so that you can only worry about one thing:

When do you want to start the changes?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

With more than 20 years of experience, we have a vast knowledge of the real estate market in the region, with a special focus on Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim.

In all the businesses we have a bond of friendship and satisfaction, but also a feeling of trust and transparency, as well as a family and personal feeling that is not explained. Siéntate.

We are from Vila do Conde y Póvoa de Varzim, so we know very well that the type of barrio adapts better to your family and the type of investment that you want to make.

Como intermediarios oficiales de crédito, conocemos las condiciones y requisitos necesarios para obtener el mejor préstamo hipotecario posible.

We are in charge of all the bureaucratic process to carry out the purchase / sale, of everything, so that you can worry about something:

¿Cuándo quieres comenzar con los cambios?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience, nous avons une vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de lah région, avec un accent particulier sur Vila do Conde et Póvoa de Varzim.

Dans toutes les entreprises, nous laissons un lien d'amitié et de satisfaction, mais aussi un sentiment de confiance et de transparence, en plus du sentiment familial et personnel qui ne s'explique pas. S'asseoir.

Nous sommes de Vila do Conde et de Póvoa de Varzim, nous savons donc très bien quel type de quartier correspond le mieux à votre famille et le type d'investissement que vous souhaitez faire.

En tant qu'intermédiaires officiels de crédit, nous connaissons les conditions et exigences nécessaires pour obtenir le meilleur prêt hypothécaire possible.

Nous nous occupons de tout le processus bureaucratique pour effectuer l'achat/lah vente, tout, afin que vous ne puissiez vous soucier que d'une chose :

Quand voulez-vous commencer les changements ?


Beatriz Real Estate - AMI 5921

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung verfügen wir über umfassende Kenntnisse des Immobilienmarktes in der Region, mit besonderem Fokus auf Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim.

In allen Betrieben hinterlassen wir neben dem nicht zu erklärenden familiären und persönlichen Gefühl ein Band der Freundschaft und Zufriedenheit, aber auch ein Gefühl von Vertrauen und Transparenz. Hinsetzen.

Wir kommen aus Vila do Conde und Póvoa de Varzim, daher wissen wir sehr gut, welche Art von Nachbarschaft am besten zu Ihrer Familie passt und welche Art von Investition Sie tätigen möchten.

Als offizieller Kreditvermittler kennen wir die Voraussetzungen und Voraussetzungen, um den bestmöglichen Hypothekarkredit zu erhalten.

Wir übernehmen den gesamten bürokratischen Prozess bis hin zur Abwicklung des Kaufs/Verkaufs, alles, damit Sie sich nur um eines kümmern können:

Wann möchten Sie mit den Änderungen beginnen?
Energy Rating: A

Additional info

  • Elevador
  • Jardim
  • Box (1 carro)
  • Box (2 carros)
  • Garagem (box)


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